Review of The Buckhorn Legacy

imagesThis is the final continuation of the Buckhorn Series. This novel starts off from the final scenes of Forever Buckhorn. Casey and Emma have forever had this connection that could not be denied. Casey tried his best to keep Emma away from his heart, and Emma has tried to get closer. Emma left shortly after her father dumps her at Casey’s front porch. She has been away from Buckhorn for 8 years.  8 years too long in Casey’s estimation. 8 years gone and 8 years older, both Casey and Emma are ready to take their relationship to the next level even if Emma does not plan to stay in Buckhorn. Casey will do all in his power to make sure Emma stays with him for good…

I enjoyed the continuation of the storyline that was briefly shown in the Forever Buckhorn. It was already hinted at that Emma did not have the greatest family life and in fact sent more time away from her homer than actually in it. No one really knew why. As a reader of this series, I always thought there was more to that story than was mentioned. I am extremely glad I was able to finish this novel. To be honest I could not put it down and finished the novel in one day. For Emma, I loved her character. She was young and bound to make mistakes, which I have to admit I love. I hate when a novel has teenagers in it and don’t show them making mistakes. Cause let us be honest, kids at that age are known for making mistakes. And Emma and Casey were both it. Emma growth as a character is one of the things I loved about this novel. We see her in a small portion in the other novel and know the rumors about her, but we had no idea there was more to the story. Seeing her aged 8 years was a joy. She was no longer the insecure girl eager for love as shown in the other novels. Emma is now a women that is confident in herself and what she wants out of life. What she happens to want is Casey!

Casey, on the other hand, has not improved that much at all. Although he was great to read, he was very close to being the same in the last novel. Not that he had anywhere to grow from. At 18, Casey was an exceptional young man, wise beyond his years and was determined to follow the life plan he made for himself. Having been raised by his uncles (shown in the other novels) Casey of course is just like them. I do admit that I loved to see Casey flounder around trying to figure out his feeling on Emma. Casey was a good character for Emma. Their personalities were a perfect match for each other, both having grown up on the lake and understanding what they want out of life.

I felt the storyline was great. Time progressed perfectly. Nothing important was missing from this novel, and all time moved in a great progression that allowed the reader to really fall in love of these characters. The storyline starts with Emma needing help because her car breaks down, and of course (you knew where this was going) Casey offers to help her. Casey and Emma could not help but react to the sexual chemistry that is present between them. How many people could say the same for them? Having that one crush you could not act upon but find years later you are both adults and are both free, what would you do? I say take a chance! Which is exactly what the main characters choose to do. Seeing them fall in love was like I was there too. The story was written so well that I did not want to stop. I secretly(well not so much now) that there was more. I crave more. I was very glad to find out what really happened to Ceily’s diner. I had always wondered how the fire started.

Now on a critique on the sex scenes. These scenes were certainly steam, so I recommend that you remove your glasses while reading them or else suffer through the fogged up glasses. There was only two sex scenes in this novel, but they added to the story rather than hinder it. The sex scenes were important (and do be honest its a romance novel, it’s why we read them). It was awkward at first reading the sex scenes because we get to know Casey in the first book as a young boy of the age of 12, it was weird to see him all grown up.  However, that did not stop me from enjoying the scenes.

Overall, the novel was great and I give it 4 out of 5 stars. I will definitely recommend this novel to anyone who has read the previous novels in the series. I mean really, who would want to read the series and not find out how it all ends. I know I enjoyed reading the continuation of the other characters, especially finding out how many children they have. If you have enjoyed this series i recommend reading other of Lori Fosters books such as When You Dare and Causing Havoc. Both of these titles are beginning novels in series. Keep that in mind when reading these books. You might get addicted like I did.

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